St. Maarten News

SXM Notices & Events

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To  May 23


Hosted by Collective Preventative Services (CPS) and American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) in collaboration with the Positive Foundation.

Place: University of St. Martin Room 202

Time: 6:00 to 8:00pm

For more information you can contact CPS at Tel# 542-3003 or 542-2078 or call the Positive Foundation at 580-9658 or visit the Positive Foundation facebook site.


Spay Campaign

Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) and Island Gems Charity Foundation offers Dutch side pet owners 30 free spay/neuter certificates. Those were valid for use now or in the future for a dog or cat. Pet owners claiming the certificates must have their own transportation to take their pets to and from the vet. To claim a certificate, call AWF on 520­8887.



Church Service

Grace International Baptist Church invites the public to attend Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:00 to 11:30am at Philipsburg Jubilee Library. For more information call 586-2738 or 554-9590.      

 Community Service

Foundation Judicial Institutes St. Maarten requests that organizations, foundations, associations, schools, clubs and other public organization including government organisations contact the Probation Office to register as community service workplace. For more information call 542-3470or542-3477 or e- mail greta.pantophlet@sjis-sxm.org .


Youth leaders

Oranje Community School is looking for youth leaders. If you are interested call Olivia Jacobs or Valeria Richards at tel. 586-7948 for an appointment.

Old Licence Plates

Support the Museum by donating your old licence plates to the foundation. Plates can be dropped off at the museum in Speetjens Alley directly across from the notary. Tel: 542-4917.

 Old Licence Plates

Donate your old licence plates to the St. Maarten Animal Welfare Foundation and help animals of St. Maarten. Drop off at their logo shop at Dock Maarten (Chesterfield parking lot) or call 553-3020.

Recruiting Members

Junior Chamber International Leaders, Innovation, Vibrant of Equality (JCI LIVE Soualiga) meets at the University of St. Martin starting 7:00pm every last Wednesday and is recruiting members. All interested persons please contact jcilivesoualiga@gmail.com or call 588-1833 for more information.

Yoga for Seniors

Philipsburg Jubilee Library is offering free “Gentle Yoga” classes for persons 50 plus on Mondays from 10:00 to 11:00am. For registration and information call 553-3020.

Volunteers Needed

Community Outreach Mentorship and Empowerment Center (COME) is looking for volunteers in the following areas: Adult Literacy Teachers, Cooks (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and an all-round person. For more information call 542-2575 or e-mail: comecenter2012@gmail.com

Gardening Programme

Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs (CDFHA) is now registering persons/families for its new Backyard Gardening Programme. For further information and to register, persons can contact the various Community Help Desks at Hope Estate 542-2802, Cole Bay 544-4302, Dutch Quarter 520-3418, St. Peters: 548-4633 or the main office at the Vineyard Building: 542-1122/542-9925


Volunteers Needed

Walichi Basketball Association is looking for volunteers, especially high school students in need of volunteer hours, in the categories of graphic design, photographers, video editors, kitchen helpers, table scorers and all-around volunteers for the Ladies Basketball Championship and upcoming Interscholastic Basketball Championship. For more information call 581-8502 or walichibasketball@gmail.com .

Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing Classes

BJJ and Muay Thai Kickboxing classes are offered for children and adults at Renzo Gracie St Maarten. Pre-registration required for children classes. All classes take place at SXM BJJ 15 Wellington Road, second floor, Cole Bay. For more information call 580-3894 or e-mail info@sxmbjj.com

Female Soccer Team

FC Soualiga is looking for ladies to join its female soccer team. Practice takes place at Raoul Illidge Sports Complex in Cay Hill every Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm. Contact fcsoualiga@gmail.com , phone number 559-7482, Facebook: FC Soualiga, or visit during practice hours, if interested.

Volunteers Needed

Beyond Kultura is seeking volunteers to organise, write project proposals, just be a hands-on person with lots of creativity to help out in projects. Call for an orientation meeting on 527-1223 or e-mail beyondkultura@gmail.com .

Steel Pan Classes

Adults and children 5 and over are advised to register for steel pan afterschool classes at Dow’s Musical Foundation. Registration forms can be collected at A.Th. Illidge Road 48, Lower Prince’s Quarter, St Maarten (behind Firgos Paper and Oduber agencies). For more information call 542-6971.

Support Group

Women of Destiny Support Group for single mothers meets on the second Monday of every month at Christian Faith Ministry love hall in Dutch Quarter at 7:30pm (purple church). Tel. 587-6553.

Dance Classes

Dance Theater of St. Maarten will be registering students ages 3+ for classes. For detailed schedule and new tuition rates, visit our website www.dancesxm.com, e-mail us at info@dancesxm.com or call 520-6914.

Free HIV testing

St. Maarten AIDS Foundation is offering free and confidential HIV testing at its office Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Results are available in 15 minutes. If these hours are not convenient call 553-2626 to make an appointment. The office is on the second floor of the Blue Point building in Cole Bay (across from Tropicana Casino). Parking and entrance at the back of the building.

Volunteers Needed

St Maarten Red Cross is looking for volunteers. Interested persons can visit its building or call 545-2333 or 586-5330 for more information.

Positive Thinking

Brahma Kumaris St. Maarten invites persons to its on-going free meditation and Positive Thinking courses at Raj Yoga Centre, 16 Front Street. Call 524-2554 or 542-0541 for more information.

Community Reading Class

Organised by the Salvation Army at Union Road #59, Cole Bay, every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2:30-4:30pm.

Programme for Alcoholics

Al-Anon is a non-profit 12-step programme. Alcoholics Anonymous available for persons, family and friends of persons who may have a problem with alcoholism. The support group meets at Red Cross on Airport Boulevard every Monday and Friday, 6:00-7:00pm. For information call 1-721-586 6570.

Opening Hours

St. Maarten National Heritage Foundation informs the general public that the museum opening hours are Monday-Friday, 10:00am to 4:00pm.

Foster Parents Needed

Foundation Judiciary Institutes Windward Islands (FJIWI)/Stichting Justitiele Inrichtingen Bovenwinden (SJIB), is looking for foster parents: permanent foster parents, weekend/vacation foster parents and emergency/crisis foster parents. For more information 542-3449. Email inquiries can be sent to sjib@sintmaarten.net.

HOPE Meetings

HIV/AIDS support group HOPE is inviting all HIV positive persons to attend its monthly meetings. For more information contact Dr. Gerard van Osch, tel. 544-5374, during office hours.

Volunteers Needed

St. Maarten Animal Welfare Foundation is seeking volunteers during the morning hours for special activities. For more information call 520-8887.

Volunteers Needed

Les Quatre Pattes/PAWS animal association has several opportunities available for those seeking to help the animals on the island. Volunteers willing to help call 0690-34-04-07 or 552-0407.

Animal Volunteer

Animals R Friends Foundation needs volunteers 15 years and older who are not afraid of handling animals for various tasks: feeding cats and dogs, walking dogs, guest-speakers for ARF, lesson materials for schools, etc. For more information call at 556-1191/527-0527/520-7365/526-0113 or e-mail: arf_sxm@yahoo.com.

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